DAMEL GROUP, S.L. informs the user that access and use of the website or the services offered therein, attribute from the first moment the status of web user (hereinafter "user") and obtaining such condition involves the conclusion of a contract between DAMEL GROUP and the user.
Identity and ownership of the web
The owner of the website and the services provided through this is DAMEL GROUP, S.L., registered in the Commercial Registry of Alicante, volume 2.403, Book 0, sheet A-61.811 and is provided with C.I.F. B-53514170 (hereinafter, the "DAMEL GROUP") and domiciled for the purposes of notifications in C / Ciudad de Barcelona, núm. 20, Fuente del Jarro Industrial Estate, 46988, Paterna (Valencia), and email
These terms of use regulate the use of the contents and the service of the website that DAMEL GROUP makes freely available to Internet users. Through the website, DAMEL GROUP facilitates access and use of various services and content made available to users by DAMEL GROUP or third parties.
The use of the website grants you user status from the outset, and this will entail your express, full and unreserved acceptance of these terms of use. If you decide not to accept these terms, you must cease and abstain from using the contents and services offered by DAMEL GROUP on the website.
By accepting these terms, the user declares:
- That you are a person of legal age and / or with sufficient capacity to act.
- That you have read and accept these general conditions.
These general terms are complemented by the Cookies Policy and the Privacy Policy that DAMEL GROUP makes available to the user.
Industrial and intellectual property
The website, the pages it comprises and the information or elements contained therein (such as, among others, the names, texts, illustrations, graphics, drawings, photographs, sound and / or image files, recordings, videos, software, etc.) and in general any other content or material accessible through the web (hereinafter, the "Content"), as well as the brands, logos, slogans, patterns, and any other distinctive signs contained in it. The web domain, unless expressly stated otherwise, is under the protection of the industrial and intellectual property rights of DAMEL GROUP.
The brands, logos, and any other distinctive signs that appear on the website are registered and / or are the exclusive property of DAMEL GROUP and / or third parties authorized by DAMEL GROUP for their use and public communication. No mention contained in the website and / or any use of the services provided by DAMEL GROUP through it, may be interpreted as a transfer or license of industrial and intellectual property rights. In any case, the use and assignment of the aforementioned rights will require the prior written consent of DAMEL GROUP and / or of the third parties who hold such rights.
Conditions of access and use of the website
Access to is free and does not require prior subscription or registration of users to access them.
In general the services offered by DAMEL GROUP through the website will be available in Spanish and / or English, without prejudice to the possibility of offering them in the other official regional languages as well as any another language spoken in the European Union.
DAMEL GROUP reserves at all times the right to modify unilaterally and without prior notice to users, the provision, configuration, content and services of the website, as well as their conditions of use and access, always in order to improve the services and products offered through
Correct and prohibited use of the website
The user agrees to use the website and services correctly, lawfully and with due diligence, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, as well as in accordance with the provisions of these general conditions.
The user agrees to refrain from using the website and the services in an unlawful manner or for illicit purposes, contrary to these general conditions, which violate or infringe the rights of DAMEL GROUP or third parties or in any way that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the web and services by users.
Content Usage Policy
DAMEL GROUP authorizes the user to view the website content, as well as to make private reproductions, as long as the elements are intended for personal use only.
The user agrees to refrain from obtaining any kind of content from using means or procedures other than those that, according to the case, have been made available to them or have been indicated for this purpose on the website, or those that are generally used for this purpose, provided they do not entail any risk of damage or rendering the web, services and/or content inoperative.
For these purposes, the user must not use the content for purposes or effects contrary to law, morality or good practice or public order; must refrain from reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless expressly authorized by DAMEL GROUP; must refrain from removing, evading or manipulating the Copyright and other signs or identifying data of the industrial and intellectual property rights of DAMEL GROUP and / or third parties incorporated into the content, or any other information mechanisms that the content may comprise.
Privacy Policy
For the use of certain services, DAMEL GROUP may require users to provide certain data of a personal nature to the DAMEL GROUP (hereinafter, "Personal Data").
DAMEL GROUP provides users with its Data Protection Policy where it defines the purposes of its collection and treatment.
DAMEL GROUP declares that it complies with current regulations regarding data protection, in particular the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, which develops the aforementioned organic law. DAMEL GROUP offers users the necessary means of contact for them to exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion and objection guaranteed by current legislation.
Cookies Policy
In the "Cookies Policy" link, we inform you that this website may use cookies to perform certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site, to share in social networks and to perform statistical analysis evaluation and proposals for improvement.
Link Policy
Users and, in general, those people who intend to set up a hyperlink between their website and (hereinafter, the "Hyperlink") must meet the following conditions: (a) the Hyperlink will only allow access to the web, but you will not be able to reproduce them in any way; (b) hyperlinks will not be set up with the different pages of the website other than the homepage or first page of the website; (c) a browser or border enviroment will not be created on the different pages of the web; (d) False, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications will not be made about the different pages of the website and the services, and in particular, it will not be declared or implied that DAMEL GROUP has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the content or services offered or made available on the website where the Hyperlink is set up, (e) exception made of those signs that are part of the same Hyperlink, the web page on which the Hyperlink is set up will not contain any trademark, trade name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to DAMEL GROUP; (f) the website on which the Hyperlink is set up will not contain information or unlawful content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good practices and public order, nor will it contain content that is contrary to any third party rights. The insertion of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between DAMEL GROUP and the owner of the web page on which it is set up, nor the acceptance and approval by DAMEL GROUP of its content or services.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The user is aware of and voluntarily accepts that the use of the website, services and content takes place, in any case, under his sole and exclusive responsibility.
Although DAMEL GROUP makes every effort to ensure precision and accuracy in the website content, it may contain errors or inaccuracies. Consequently, DAMEL GROUP does not guarantee the veracity, reliability or accuracy of its content.
Likewise DAMEL GROUP does not guarantee the availability, continuity of the operation of the web, nor the correct visualization, download or use of the elements and information contained in the website that may be impeded, hindered and prevented by circumstances or factors beyond its control or alien to its will, or those produced by computer viruses on the Internet. When reasonably possible, DAMEL GROUP will give prior warning of interruptions in the operation of the website and its services.
Therefore, DAMEL GROUP assumes no liability for damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind arising from, or in relation to the use of this website, and specifically, without limitation, to:
- The lack of availability and/or continuity of the website and the services provided through the same due to errors in telecommunication lines and networks or any other cause beyond the control of DAMEL GROUP.
- Any disappointment in the use that users may have attributed to the website and its services, regarding the reliability of the web and services.
- The knowledge that third parties may have on the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that users make of the web and services.
- The presence of viruses or any other elements in the content that may cause alterations on your computer system (software and hardware) or in electronic documents and files stored on your computer system.
- The transmission, distribution, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to content by users, or unlawful, negligent, fraudulent use, that are contrary to these conditions, good faith, general accepted use or public order.
- Security or surfing errors caused by improper functioning of the user's browser or using outdated versions.
- Access of minors to the content included in the services.
- Failures that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions.
- Inoperability or problems in the e-mail address provided by the user.
- Content, information, opinions and statements of any user or third persons or entities that communicate through the service.
- The use that users may make of the materials of the service, whether prohibited or permitted, in violation of intellectual property rights and/or industrial, confidential information, of third-party service content.
- The performance of acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising or infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and image, property and other rights belonging to a third party as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to content.
- The failure, delay in performance, defective performance or termination for any reason of the obligations assumed by third parties and contracts with third parties through or in connection with access to content.
- The eventual loss of user data due to causes not attributable to the service.
Additionally, DAMEL GROUP declines all responsibility for the information, content and services of third parties provided through the website or hosted on third-party websites connected by links, with the website.
Denial and withdrawal of access to the Website and / or Services
DAMEL GROUP reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and / or services, at any time and without prior notice to those users who fail to comply with these general conditions that may apply.
Procedure in case of conducting unlawful activities
In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the pages included or accessible through the web, and, in particular, of the infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, industrial models and designs, trademarks and commercial names, etc.) or other rights, you must send a notification to DAMEL GROUP that contains the following points: ( a) personal information: name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant; (b) specification of the alleged illicit activity carried out on the web and, in particular, in the case of an alleged infringement of rights, precise and concrete indication of the protected content as well as its location in the web pages; (c) facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of said activity; (d) in the case of violation of rights, authentic signature or equivalent, with the personal data of the owner of the allegedly infringed rights or of the person authorized to act in the name and on behalf of the latter; (e) express statement, clear and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and the illicit nature of the use of the contents or of the performance of the activities described.
These notifications should be sent to:
Modification of Terms of Use
DAMEL GROUP may modify at any time these terms and conditions, reserving the right to modify, add or remove at any time and unilaterally any of these terms, without there being a legal obligation to notify or inform the user of such changes, being understood as sufficient the publication of the same on the website.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation and the applicable regulations of the European Union.
DAMEL GROUP and the user, expressly waive any other jurisdiction, and submit to the Courts of the city of Paterna (Spain) for any dispute arising from the provision of services under these terms.
If the user accesses from a location outside Spain, the user will be responsible for complying with all applicable local and international legislation.
Nullity and unenforceability of conditions
If any provision of these Terms of Use is declared fully or partially invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability will affect only that provision or part thereof that is null or void, subsisting the remaining general conditions in everything else, taking such provision or part thereof that is affected, as not established.